Telegram messenger is more relevant today than ever. But it has its own characteristics - a low percentage of transitions to the channel from other social networks. Usually only very loyal subscribers join the channel. Because of this, the channel can grow slowly and for a long time.

A small number of telegram members creates a certain impression - to new users it will seem unimportant and invaluable due to low activity. To solve this problem, you can at first increase activity with the help of SMM Panels. These are special services for this - we have selected for you the 8 best SMM Panels for Telegram. Topsmm has very competitive prices for Telegram services, you can join the site using button below and start using services.

Why use Telegram SMM Panel?

In any social network, the rule works: "The more subscribers, the better." People trust communities where the number of subscribers is in the thousands or hundreds of thousands. It is profitable to wind up members in Telegram if bots mix with a live audience and the member counter grows by leaps and bounds.

You can use a bot-boosted channel for arbitration, but the road to advertisers will be closed. Before posting ads, they will definitely check the channel statistics, especially the engagement rates. Bots are not active, so the stats will be dull, and few will want to spend money on promotions. SMM Panels can provide both bot and real telegram members.

It is profitable to wind up subscribers in the Cart if you:

Just started promotion. At the first stages of development, you can add bots to gain a rating.

You want to outperform your competitors. In thematic ratings and selections, channels are usually sorted by audience size.

You are planning to attract real people. Users subscribe less willingly to empty channels. You can fill a few thousand to start and start gaining real telegram members. This is how the telegram SMM Panel can help you to start things up.

You will attract advertisers. Inexperienced people look at the number of subscribers and experienced people look at the activity of the audience. In all cases, without a few thousand group/channel members, you should not hope for advertising revenue.

We need to increase the conversion. Reputable channels have a more active audience.

If you want to use the free boost of members in Telegram, be prepared for the fact that bots unsubscribe very quickly, and there will be waves on the statistics graphs that you will have to explain to potential advertisers. If the channels are used to drain traffic, beautiful graphics are not so important, but you definitely won’t be able to do without live followers.

Those who have never used SMM Panel services before should proceed with extreme caution. Without the right strategy, money will simply fly away into the “pipe”. Allocate a few dollars for testing to understand which SMM Panel service gives the highest profit. In some cases, the audience does not fall off completely.

Best SMM Panels for Telegram in 2023


TopSMM is an SMM Panel for boosting subscribers and reactions in Telegram. The service will be useful for entrepreneurs, bloggers, freelancers, marketers, and SMM specialists.

Of the benefits of the service:

The best price on the market — service employees regularly monitor competitors and form the most favorable price offer;

100% quality guarantee - if the order is not fulfilled, Taplike compensates for the "losses" at its own expense.

Those. 24/7 support - tech. support will help solve the problem even at night.

To order a service, just select a tariff, and specify the quantity and a link.


Smmprime is a social media promotion service.

The authors of the service declare at least 2 competitive advantages:

Low price compared to other similar services (due to the use of new technology);

Subscriber Quality - The developers make sure that the performers are of higher quality than their competitors, and this has allowed them to introduce such a unique service as comments from live subscribers.

As part of Telegram, the service offers boosting:

Subscribers/Members (there are as many as 13 tariffs: mix, subscribers for chatbots, fast subscribers, subscribers with captcha solution, etc.);

Views (views on any posts, views on the last N posts, auto views);

Comments (smart comments);

Reposts and reactions;


If you want to wind up reactions, then the service allows you to select a specific reaction - they are presented in a long list. And you can order a general reaction boost - bots will add different emojis in a random combination.


Prskill is a professional SMM Panel service. Positions itself as one of the best services of its kind.

Among the main advantages:

Low prices;

Security of telegram boosting (completely "white" schemes);

Live audience.

In the Prskill service, you can boost:

Subscribers/Members for groups/channels;

Views on records;

Poll voting.

To select a tariff, you need to click on one of these 3 services. The site will take you to a new page where you can determine the quality of the service. For example, for boosting members, you can choose one of 5 tariffs: general quality, the best on the market, with a discount of up to 50%, CIS with country targeting, without a guarantee.


Smmlaba is an SMM Panel for the automatic promotion of social networks.

From the advantages:

Low prices;

Good quality;

Reliability - all processes and launches are automated and work at a safe speed;

Extensive experience in social media promotion. networks (more than 7 years);

Technical support in the form of chats and tickets.

As part of the Telegram in the SMMlaba service, you can order:

Subscribers - without a guarantee, Russian, with a guarantee, live subscribers;

Views - the more you order, the less you pay;

Reviews in Telegram;

Reactions - you can choose specific emojis and take a boost with or without a guarantee;


Pressing the button - a tariff with a 7-day guarantee;

Bot start.

To order on this Telegram SMM Panel, you must register a personal account or log in through an account in existing social networks. When placing an order, you should specify the country, link to the channel or chatbot, quantity, gender, and parameters of the channel or chat. You choose the start to start boosting yourself in the tariffs.


Prelike is an SMM Panel for buying premium telegram members. Promises that its audience will never leave you after subscribing.

From the pros:

You can make a quick order - immediately enter data for registration on the site and order data; from personal data, it is enough to specify an e-mail;

There are only 3 boost options, which greatly simplifies the choice - views, bot subscribers, and live followers.

There are 3 types of subscribers available in the service:

Live Russian subscribers;

Live subscribers from different countries (mix);

Premium audience without unsubscribes.

Comments, reposts, polls, and reactions cannot be purchased on this platform.


It's a premium Telegram SMM Panel.

There are 3 types of services available in the Bosslike service for Telegram:

  • Subscribers;
  • Likes;
  • Views.

The service has a conditionally free boost - you can complete tasks yourself and get points. Earned points can be spent on tasks within the service. 1 point costs from 0.025 to 0.05 rubles.

You can use the services for a fee by logging in to the site or through a quick form - specify the link to the channel or group in Telegram, select the type of boost, write the quantity, and click on "Create order".

The service has an app on Google Play and the App Store.

Prices: from 10 points per subscriber (~ 0.5 rubles)

Final words Telegram SMM Panel

Boosting subscribers, views, and reactions in a telegram channel or group will help a beginner blog to revive activity, interest the audience and compete with larger blogs. That is how Telegram SMM Panel can help you.

The main thing is to follow a few simple rules: do not wind up a large number of members/followers on the newly created channel (so as not to get banned) and work on the quality of the content so that your channel develops and grows without artificial methods.

Tags: Telegram, SMM Panel, followers, views, likes.

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